Wednesday 16 October 2019

We love sharks

Second grade students finished their mini project about sharks. And this is the result of their work: a sotry book, shark facts, vocabulary, a puppet and a telescope. Good job!
There's a shark in the park!!! 

Basic questions and answers

3rd grade students are making these flipbooks with some basic questions and answers. 


Friday 11 October 2019


There are tons of ideas for helping children remember the ABCs and here's a link to one of them. Sing out loud!

Easy dialogues

Friday 4 October 2019

Walking, walking song

Our 1st grade students love this song. Listen and enjoy it!

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Story time: Shark in the park!

With second level students we are working the story "Shark in the Park" by the super funny and cool Nick Sharratt. Enjoy it!

Find someone who activity

"Find someone who" activity: Students have to ask their classmates questions in order to fill the blanks. A good ice-breaker for a new school year. 

Days and months

Reviewing the days of the week and the months of the year in English.

Wednesday 20 March 2019



Sinopsi: El comte Dràcula viu a Transilvània, en un castell a la muntanya. És un personatge estrany, molt alt i amb unes dents molt afilades. Un dia, la Mina va a veure el comte i ell la fa presonera. La Mina aconsegueix fugir del castell, però quan torna a la ciutat veu que hi ha diversos casos de nens amb mossegades al coll, que només poden ser obra del comte. La Mina i el doctor Van Helsing, un metge especialitzat en malalties obscures, s’uneixen per intentar destruir Dràcula i alliberar als nens de l’encanteri.

Objectius didàctics: Animals, places and objects descriptions. People's physical and psychological descriptions. Ordinal and cardinal numbers. Weather. Methods of transport. Asking and giving directions. Wh-questions. Making plans. Emotions, hobbies and abilities. Scary vocabulary. Suggestions. Comparatives.
Possessive adjectives. Present and past simple. Present and past continuous. Present Perfect. First conditional.

Durada: 50 minuts


It's important to know our contryside. We are goingo to know things about the countrside of Calaf. Are you ready?

It's time to learn about the others countrysides!!